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Freelance Writing is Hard! Where Do I Start?

Jun 24

3 min read





Okay, you wannabe freelance writer, what niche are you interested in?… If there's a long pause in your reply to that question, I'll suggest you keep reading.

Freelance Writing Niches

As a skill, freelance writing has become one of the most lucrative career options, offering a plethora of niches for writers to explore. But knowing the various niches and what they entail needs a little homework. You don't want to niche into a corner you can't write yourself out of.

Choosing a Niche

Choosing the right niche in freelance writing is like mate selection. You don't want to settle for the money or, just for it. You want a partner that understands and loves you.

To choose a niche, you have to start by assessing your interests, strengths, expertise, and weaknesses.

Ask yourself: what do I enjoy writing about? Where does my knowledge shine? Next, be practical. Really, Phil, think about the financials. Consider market demand and trends. Research which niches are in high demand and offer competitive rates.

Next, experiment by writing samples in different niches to gauge your ease of writing and proficiency. Then test yourself with the tools of that niche to see how well y'all fit. After that, network with experienced writers to gain perspective and advice. Remember, choosing a niche is about finding a balance between passion, market demand, and skill.

Now that we've got that out of the way, let's get right to the various niches there are.

The Major Freelance Niches

  • Content Writing: This niche is legendary and is one of the most popular niches. If you think about it, scribes were the first content writers there were, so this skill goes way back. Content writing involves creating engaging and informative content for websites, blogs, and social media platforms. Writers in this niche focus on producing articles, blog posts, product descriptions, and SEO-optimized content to attract and engage audiences.

  • Copywriting: Another popular niche. Copywriters specialize in crafting persuasive copy that drives action. They work on marketing materials like ads, sales pages, email campaigns, and landing pages. The goal is to influence the reader's behavior to favor the company's goal, whether it's making a purchase, signing up for a newsletter, or downloading an app.

  • Technical Writing: Technical writers are like high-class interpreters, except they don't do it orally. These writers bridge the gap between complex information and layman's terms. They create manuals, user guides, technical documentation, and instructional materials for software, hardware, and other products. Attention to detail and the ability to simplify complex concepts are the most crucial skills in this niche. If you can't simplify X beyond X, don't bother.

  • Creative Writing: This, for me, is another legendary niche. Stories have existed since eons were infants. For the Whistledowns, my dearest gentle reader, creative writing offers many sub-niches such as fiction, poetry, short stories, scriptwriting, etc. You can also explore genres like romance, mystery, science fiction, fantasy, and more. If you're all about expression, creative writing allows for artistic liberty and imagination.

  • Ghostwriting: This niche is a sub-niche of creative writing. However, due to its size and professionalism, it might be disrespectful not to refer to it as an independent niche. Ghostwriters are freelancers hired to write books, articles, speeches, and other content on behalf of others. They often work with celebrities, professionals, and experts who need assistance in translating their ideas into polished and marketable content. To be a ghostwriter, confidentiality, and adaptability are key traits. If you have the urge to re-sell content or violate your NDA, this niche isn't for you.

  • Academic Writing: The name says it all. Academic writers specialize in research-based content like essays, research papers, dissertations, and thesis papers. They adhere to academic standards and citation styles while delivering well-researched and structured content. To succeed in this niche, you require strong research and writing skills and constant up-to-date knowledge of academic standards.


And there you have it! Freelance writing, as a skill, offers a diverse range of niches, each requiring specific skills, expertise; its own type of professionalism, and creativity. Whether you're passionate about storytelling, technical subjects, marketing, or education, there's a niche that suits your interests and talents in the freelance writing landscape. All you need is time and effort to find your love match.

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Jun 24

3 min read




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