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Terms & Conditions

Project Creation and Assignments


  • Clients are responsible for creating projects, which the system will then assign to a select freelancer.

  • Clients may include specific instructions on how they wish the project to be conducted.

  • The client is entitled to the exact number of revisions agreed upon by their assigned freelancer. Extra revisions owing to the freelancer’s faults are allowed. However, if the freelancer follows all requirements stipulated by the client, any extra revisions will be charged.

  • Clients will make payments directly to the company, which will then be remunerated to the freelancer.

  • Clients and freelancers acknowledge that the company acts as a third party with the right to reverse funds in the event of compensation, disciplinary action, and other dispute settlement and conflict resolution processes.


Communication between Parties


  • Clients must communicate solely with their assigned freelancer, and any inquiries, concerns, or issues should be conveyed to the freelancer assigned to their project.

  • Freelancers may also contact the company for assistance in resolving work-related issues.

  • Both parties should be aware that communication between client and freelancer is solely restricted to work-related subjects.




  • The company manages all payment-related services and processes; therefore, both clients and freelancers are restricted from all communication involving payments.

  • Fees for content creation are non-negotiable fixed payments. However, clients will be informed of price fluctuations related to work complexity or, in some cases, the freelancer’s level of expertise, based on our grading system.

  • Clients are also expected to choose a payment structure before the project commences. This is to prevent cases of clients rescinding orders and payments after projects have been completed.

  • Clients should also be aware that freelancers are paid only after the project has been handed over to them. Therefore, freelancers are inclined to make amends to their work based on their contract agreement or face penalties.


Intellectual Property Rights


  • All materials created by our freelancers are theirs until full payment has been made. After payments have been settled, the intellectual property rights will be transferred to the client, and the client may opt that the freelancer destroy the work or that we delete it from our database to prevent it from being copyrighted, replicated, or pirated.

  • Additionally, all content created by the freelancers of this company will remain confidential and exclusively between the client and their freelancer and will not be shared with any third party unless it is required for dispute resolution purposes.


Dispute Resolution


  • The parties shall endeavor to settle amicably any dispute, difference, or claim arising, whether directly or indirectly, from this agreement. In the event of a dispute between a client and their assigned freelancer, all disagreements must be resolved by the company. The editorial head of the company will collaborate with both parties to arrive at a fair and equitable solution.

  • If the dispute, difference, or claim is not settled amicably within 14 (fourteen) days, the dispute, difference, or claim shall be referred to the Lagos Multi-Door Courthouse (LMDC) for mediation, which shall be conducted in accordance with the LMDC Mediation Procedure Rules or such other rules mutually agreed upon by the parties.

  • Each party shall bear its own costs and would be liable to contribute an equal amount in respect of fees to be paid to the mediator.

  • The provisions of this clause shall not preclude the parties from seeking any relief in the courts of law.




  • If a client decides to terminate this contract, they should state their reasons for doing so and ensure that their action is fair and does not breach their freelancer agreement. The company will serve as a mediator to arrive at a just resolution that is satisfactory to all parties involved. This agreement may be terminated:

  • By the mutual consent of the parties upon a material breach by a party of its obligations under this agreement, which, if capable of remedy, is not remedied after receipt of fourteen (14) days written notice from the non-defaulting party to remedy the same, in the event that any corporate action or legal proceedings are taken against the company for its winding-up, dissolution, receivership, or other legal suspension of business.

  • Additionally, the termination of this agreement shall be without prejudice to the rights of the parties, which have accrued prior to such termination.


Force Majeure


  • Neither party shall be considered to be in default of their respective obligations under this agreement on the occurrence of any event of force majeure or any other cause beyond the reasonable control of the parties or either of them that renders the performance of this agreement impossible. “Force Majeure”, as used in this clause, shall include but not be limited to fire, flood, act of God, earthquakes, storms, lightning, epidemic, pandemic, war, riot, civil disturbance, change of law, sabotage and judicial restraint, which is beyond the reasonable control of the Parties or either of them and which renders the performance of this Agreement extremely difficult or impossible;

  • Neither party shall be excused from performance if non-performance is due to events of force majeure that are removable or remediable (at a reasonable cost) and which the non-performing party could have, with the exercise of reasonable diligence, removed or remedied with reasonable dispatch.

  • The non-performing party shall, within a reasonable time, but not later than one (1) calendar day of becoming aware of being prevented or delayed from performance by an event of force majeure, notify the other party in writing describing the circumstances of force majeure, valid reasons why the performance of its obligations under this agreement has been prevented, and a plan to resume performance of its obligations in compliance with this agreement.

  • In the event of a force majeure, the parties shall promptly consult with each other as to the measures to be taken regarding the continuation of the provision of the service and shall take all reasonable steps to minimize any losses resulting therefrom.

  • Notwithstanding the above, the non-performing or affected party shall resume, as soon as practicable within a period not more than 30 days from the date of the notice, the performance of its obligations hereunder.

  • Where a resumption of obligations remains impracticable within the stipulated timeline, the parties shall consult with each other to confirm the next possible date to resume the performance of the obligations under this agreement.

  • In the event that the performance of any of the services contemplated under this agreement is suspended due to force majeure for two (2) months, the company shall have the option to terminate this agreement with fourteen (14) days written notice to the other party. Notwithstanding the termination of this agreement in accordance with this clause, the service provider shall be liable to return any and all parts of the fee that have been paid less reasonable and receipted costs that have been expended.

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